If you want to be seen, show yourself.
Lots of people wished they were understood and seen. Being seen doesn’t have to be automatically tied to recognition but it can. I see two levels of being seen: being understood by your peers and being recognized for who you are and what you do. This is particularly true when you build a business or […]
What self-love actually means and how to practice it.
With the rise of freedom and relative security that lots of Western Countries experienced after the War, the quest for meaning became more pressing. Thinking about your well-being was no longer reserved to a few privileded people, but was slowly available to anybody wanting to pursue a fulfilling life.Even yet, not everybody had that privilege. […]
How to recognize a trustworthy thought leader.
Leadership is a trendy topic. But how to recognize trustworthy leader? If you are on a quest to find solutions to come further, the world is full of inspiring people, rags to rich stories, and experts.You can learn something from every one of them, no matter on what part of the spectrum you are. From […]
Why I Won’t Take Any Life Lessons From Unhappy People
Over the past few years, I’ve been following a lot of influencers on the internet. And I’ve come to personal conclusions and decided to filter input radically. I’m an independent thinker but even as one, I can still be influenced sometimes, and that’s why I’m very careful about what I let in. I hadn’t planned […]
Shut The Noise Down
Why should you shut the noise down? As a creator, this is essential to shut the noise down around you at some point if you want to make progress in your work.It’s not about secluding yourself and never have a look at other creative work or opinions ever again, but about stopping interfering with your […]