Die Macht der Intuition im Business
In der hektischen Geschäftswelt von heute suchen ambitionierte Unternehmerinnen ständig nach Wegen, ihre Entscheidungsprozesse zu optimieren und ihre Erfolgschancen zu maximieren. Ein oft ĂĽbersehener, aber kraftvoller Aspekt ist die Intuition. Unsere Intuition, oft als “BauchgefĂĽhl” bezeichnet, kann uns wertvolle Einsichten und FĂĽhrung bieten, besonders in unsicheren oder komplexen Situationen. In diesem Blogpost werden wir die […]
Why you should never tell yourself it’s going to be hard.
Struggle. Hopeless. Impossible. Never. Fate. Hard. Grind. Difficult. Downs. Resilience. Fight. Work hard. Work relentlessly. How do those words make you feel in your body when you hear them? When I hear those, it makes me cringe. And I love to work. There is an ongoing trend in the world of entrepreneurship and self-development that […]
How to succeed despite a toxic environment.
If you want to have any kind of success in life, you need to be in the proper environment. And by that, I don’t mean being born in a rich family, or having a super fancy office to get things done, although, that’s certainly nice, by environment, I mean the people you hang out with. […]
If you want to be seen, show yourself.
Lots of people wished they were understood and seen. Being seen doesn’t have to be automatically tied to recognition but it can. I see two levels of being seen: being understood by your peers and being recognized for who you are and what you do. This is particularly true when you build a business or […]
How to develop discipline and consistency.
You probably agree that if you don’t have any discipline nor consistency, you’re not going to get far in whatever you might want to achieve. I get also, that forcing yourself to do things you don’t want to do all the time, isn’t a good place to be either, especially if it’s a habit. Whether […]
How to make your big dream happen.
Make your big dream happen isn’t easy but it might not be as complicated as you might think either. Big, sweet dreams, look different for everybody. Advertising suggests we should want the same, but the reality is that big dreams look different for everybody. So, it doesn’t have to be a six-pack and one million […]
14 reasons why you’re not getting results and what to do about it.
Not getting results can be hugely frustrating. And if you’ve ever set yourself a big goal, a goal for which you alone are responsible, and not something that has been assigned to you by someone else, you might have experienced the frustration of not getting results. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a creator of […]
Are you running towards or away from something?
When you set yourself a goal – and even if you don’t have clear intentions – there are two things you’ll probably do: Running towards or away from something. Knowing on which side of the spectrum you are is essential to help you make the right decisions. Because decisions made out of fear or scarcity […]
What self-love actually means and how to practice it.
With the rise of freedom and relative security that lots of Western Countries experienced after the War, the quest for meaning became more pressing. Thinking about your well-being was no longer reserved to a few privileded people, but was slowly available to anybody wanting to pursue a fulfilling life.Even yet, not everybody had that privilege. […]
How to recognize a trustworthy thought leader.
Leadership is a trendy topic. But how to recognize trustworthy leader? If you are on a quest to find solutions to come further, the world is full of inspiring people, rags to rich stories, and experts.You can learn something from every one of them, no matter on what part of the spectrum you are. From […]